0x01fe.net - About


I don't know everything, I only know what I know.


Hi! I'm 0x01fe. This website is a personal project that allows me to express my thoughts online about things I like and also gives me something to program and tinker with on my spare time. If you want to contact me try hitting me up on discord at 0x01fe.

Why 0x01fe?

This is a pretty common question I get regarding my username so I thought I'd put a little section here about it. The thought process behind the username was "I like computers so what's a computer related username I could have?" and the first thing that came to mind was the master boot record boot sector (100% related to that other Master Boot Record). So I opened up the Wikipedia Page on the master boot record and scrolled until something called out to me. When I saw the starting byte of the boot signature in hex was 0x01fe I thought "yeah that'd work", and I've stuck with it.